Durie Hill School follows the guidelines as set out within the New Zealand Curriculum.
We continually review and modify our learning programmes and teaching approaches, with the aim of providing needs-based programmes with relevant and motivating learning experiences. We actively engage our students in high-interest learning activities, and utilise a range of community resources and personnel to achieve this.
Key Competencies - These are the competencies that people use to live, learn, work, and contribute. The Key Competencies identified within the NZ Curriculum are:
- Using language, symbols, and texts - this is about communicating by giving and using information. It includes oral and visual information, and different languages.
- Thinking - our children will inquire and problem-solve, and will learn ways to extend their knowledge and understandings.
- Managing-Self - our children will develop initiative and self-organisation so they can confidently go about their work and play at school.
- Relating to Others - interacting positively and constructively, and considering others is encouraged. Our children will experience and develop understanding about the benefits of cooperation.
- Participating and Contributing - by encouraging and creating opportunities for children to participate and contribute, we aim for them to experience the satisfaction and desire to want to keep doing so.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L): PB4L is a framework that we use to continually improve what we do to better enable positive behaviour for learning. It links closely with learning and teaching related to the Key Competencies of Managing Self; Relating to Others; and Participating and Contributing.
PB4L at our school has expectations which fall within three areas:
“Challenge yourself and encourage others to challenge themselves”.
To achieve our expectations, PB4L at our school involves learning, practising, and using our school's 'HERO' qualities:
H = Helpful; E = Effort; R = Respect; O = Organised.
Helping means helping myself and others to learn; helping myself and others when needing extra support; helping myself and others to stay safe; and helping others to do things and with jobs.
Effort means making an effort with my learning; making an effort to play and work well with others; making and effort to try more things and to do more things independently; and making an effort to improve.
Respect means respecting others, respecting myself; respecting property and belongings; and respecting our environment and for other living things.
Organised means being organised with my belongings; being organised with my time, and being organised with my thinking - take time to think and take time to think ahead.
Learning Areas
The following learning areas are included within our school-based curriculum. English literacy, english and maths/numeracy is prioritized.
Mathematics and Statistics: Number and numeracy is prioritised. All other strands of measurement, geometry, statistics, and algebra, are also incorporated into each classroom programme.
English: Includes reading and writing (including viewing and presenting information in different forms), and listening and speaking (oral language).
Languages: Te Reo Maori is delivered at a basic level through our Ki Tai Programme and in the classroom - e.g. pepeha, ruruku, waiata, greetings, farewell, names, statements. questions and responses. A, external tutor also teaches 30-45 minute weekly sessions involving each class.
Social Science (Studies): Learning about how individuals and groups contribute to communities (whether their own family, whanau, school, team, or the wider local community) is an important part computers_webof our programme. Similarly, we explore the role and function of groups in our community, and how these help people. Learning about individual difference and diversity of culture is also a feature.
Science: 'Investigating in Science' is a 'must-do' for our children. Children not only gain scientific knowledge, but also understandings about how to investigate and experiment.
Practical environmental education is aimed to involve students to learn 'about' the environment, 'in' the environment, while acting 'for' the environment. We utilise opportunities in our community which provide a practical aspect and which allows our students to contribute to local environmental projects.
Technology: An emphasis on 'Technological Practice' requires our children to examine existing technology and purpose, while also creating their own!
The Arts: This learning area includes music, visual art, drama, and dance. In addition to programmes taken by our own teachers, we use resources and opportunities beyond our school. We are a regular and enthusiastic participant school in the Kids for Kids Concert, we contribute to community art activities and exhibitions, and we encourage our children and their parents to share their many talents.
Health and Physical Education: A goal to increase levels of physical activity for our children has seen the incorporation of activities such as "Jump Jam", senior 'triathlon', and a range of modules delivered by external providers. This includes the delivery of skills based sessions in cricket, tennis, hockey, football, badminton, golf, and bike riding (Bikes in Schools').
Our swimming pool is a feature of our school, as it contains not only a 22 metre lane pool but also two learner pools.
Within our health programme topics relating to nutrition, body care and sunsafety, "Keeping Ourselves Safe", and social skills are important. We utilise community resources such as 'Life Education' to enhance our regular teaching programmes.
Our school actively looks to engage with personnel and organisations, such as our Police Education Officer, Public Health, Fire Service, St John or Red Cross, and the Hearing Association.
In addition to the NZ Curriculum
School Sport: Our school participates fully in the wider-Wanganui (inter-school) sport programme. Currently this includes swimming, athletics, football/soccer, hockey, netball, 'Rippa-Rugby', tackle rugby, cross-country, and 'Tough Kids'.
Out-of-School Sport: We encourage the involvement of children in after-school and weekend sport. Currently we offer teams in Tee-Ball, cricket, netball, and hockey, and touch rugby. Many children also play for the Durie Hill Football Club, and although this is not organised by the school, we do have a close link with the football club. Other sports such as rugby are well catered for by clubs. Currently we have good staff and parental support to organise, coach, and manage teams.
Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC): Our School embraces EOTC in our school curriculum.
Children at all levels experience excursions during the school day to local areas.
These excursions are planned to enhance and enrich classroom learning programmes, or to participate in community events and opportunities.